65104 No ComClass specified 65105 No COM classes have been registered 65106 Unable to find a Table of Contents 65107 No help found for %s 65108 No context-sensitive help installed 65109 No help found for context 65110 No topic-based help system installed 65111 Type mismatch in parameter %d for method %s 65112 Invalid DispID for parameter %d in method %s 65113 Parameter %d required for method %s 65114 Method definition for %s has over %d parameters 65115 Too many parameters for method %s 65116 ZLib error: target buffer may be too small 65117 Invalid stream operation 65118 Error 65120 OLE error %.8x 65121 Object factory for class %s missing 65122 Type information missing for class %s 65123 Incorrect type information for class %s 65124 Dispatch interface missing from class %s 65125 Method '%s' not supported by automation object 65126 Variant does not reference an automation object 65127 Dispatch methods do not support more than 64 parameters 65128 DCOM not installed 65129 DAX Error 65130 COM Server Warning 65131 There are still active COM objects in this application. One or more clients may have references to these objects, so manually closing 65132 this application may cause those client application(s) to fail. \n \nAre you sure you want to close this application? 65133 GUID '%s' was previously registered 65134 Constructing COM object '%s' for which there is no wrapper component 65135 %s.GetComClass returned nil 65136 Weeks 65137 Fortnights 65138 Months 65139 Years 65140 Decades 65141 Centuries 65142 Millennia 65143 DateTime 65144 JulianDate 65145 ModifiedJulianDate 65146 ''%s'' is not a valid date 65147 ''%s'' is not a valid date and time 65148 ''%s'' is not a valid integer value 65149 ''%s'' is not a valid time 65150 Invalid argument to time encode 65151 Error creating system registry entry 65152 LongTons 65153 Ounces 65154 Pounds 65155 Stones 65156 Temperature 65157 Celsius 65158 Kelvin 65159 Fahrenheit 65160 Rankine 65161 Reaumur 65162 Time 65163 MilliSeconds 65164 Seconds 65165 Minutes 65166 Hours 65167 Days 65168 UKBuckets 65169 UKBushels 65170 Mass 65171 Nanograms 65172 Micrograms 65173 Milligrams 65174 Centigrams 65175 Decigrams 65176 Grams 65177 Decagrams 65178 Hectograms 65179 Kilograms 65180 MetricTons 65181 Drams 65182 Grains 65183 Tons 65184 FluidOunces 65185 FluidTablespoons 65186 FluidTeaspoons 65187 DryGallons 65188 DryQuarts 65189 DryPints 65190 DryPecks 65191 DryBuckets 65192 DryBushels 65193 UKGallons 65194 UKPottle 65195 UKQuarts 65196 UKPints 65197 UKGill 65198 UKOunces 65199 UKPecks 65200 Liters 65201 DecaLiters 65202 HectoLiters 65203 KiloLiters 65204 AcreFeet 65205 AcreInches 65206 Cords 65207 CordFeet 65208 Decisteres 65209 Steres 65210 Decasteres 65211 FluidGallons 65212 FluidQuarts 65213 FluidPints 65214 FluidCups 65215 FluidGills 65216 SquareRods 65217 Volume 65218 CubicMillimeters 65219 CubicCentimeters 65220 CubicDecimeters 65221 CubicMeters 65222 CubicDecameters 65223 CubicHectometers 65224 CubicKilometers 65225 CubicInches 65226 CubicFeet 65227 CubicYards 65228 CubicMiles 65229 MilliLiters 65230 CentiLiters 65231 DeciLiters 65232 Area 65233 SquareMillimeters 65234 SquareCentimeters 65235 SquareDecimeters 65236 SquareMeters 65237 SquareDecameters 65238 SquareHectometers 65239 SquareKilometers 65240 SquareInches 65241 SquareFeet 65242 SquareYards 65243 SquareMiles 65244 Acres 65245 Centares 65246 Ares 65247 Hectares 65248 Yards 65249 Miles 65250 NauticalMiles 65251 AstronomicalUnits 65252 LightYears 65253 Parsecs 65254 Cubits 65255 Fathoms 65256 Furlongs 65257 Hands 65258 Paces 65259 Rods 65260 Chains 65261 Links 65262 Picas 65263 Points 65264 Distance 65265 Micromicrons 65266 Angstroms 65267 Millimicrons 65268 Microns 65269 Millimeters 65270 Centimeters 65271 Decimeters 65272 Meters 65273 Decameters 65274 Hectometers 65275 Kilometers 65276 Megameters 65277 Gigameters 65278 Inches 65279 Feet 65280 Socket must be in blocking mode 65281 %s error %d, %s 65282 Read 65283 Write 65284 Could not parse imaginary portion 65285 Could not parse required '%s' symbol 65286 Could not parse required '+' (or '-') symbol 65287 Could not parse real portion 65288 Unexpected end of string [%s] 65289 Unexpected characters 65290 %s [%s%s] 65291 No Help Manager installed. 65292 No topic-based Help installed. 65293 No context-sensitive Help installed. 65294 No help found for "%s" 65295 No Table of Contents found. 65296 Unknown conversion family %s 65297 Conversion family (%s) already registered 65298 [$%.8x] 65299 [%s%.8x] 65300 Illegal type 65301 Illegal family 65302 %s has a factor of zero 65303 Could not parse %s 65304 TStrings descendant %s failed to call inherited constructor 65305 Windows socket error: %s (%d), on API '%s' 65306 Asynchronous socket error %d 65307 No address specified 65308 Can't listen on an open socket 65309 Can't create new socket 65310 Socket already open 65311 Can't change value while socket is active 65312 Property %s does not exist 65313 Stream write error 65314 Error setting stream size 65315 Thread creation error: %s 65316 Thread Error: %s (%d) 65317 (%d, %d) is not a valid DateDay pair 65318 (%d, %d, %d) is not a valid DateWeek triplet 65319 (%d, %d, %d, %d) is not a valid DateMonthWeek quad 65320 (%d, %d, %d, %d) is not a valid DayOfWeekInMonth quad 65321 %f Julian cannot be represented as a DateTime 65322 ? 65323 Incompatible conversion types [%s, %s] 65324 Incompatible conversion types [%s, %s, %s] 65325 Incompatible conversion types [%s - %s, %s - %s] 65326 Unknown conversion type %s 65327 Conversion type (%s) already registered in %s 65328 Component name '%s' exceeds 64 character limit 65329 Error reading %s%s%s: %s 65330 Printing in progress 65331 Stream read error 65332 Property is read-only 65333 Failed to create key %s 65334 Failed to get data for '%s' 65335 Invalid component registration 65336 Failed to set data for '%s' 65337 Resource %s not found 65338 %s.Seek not implemented 65339 Operation not allowed on sorted list 65340 String expected 65341 %s expected 65342 Too many rows or columns deleted 65343 %s not in a class registration group 65344 Invalid property value 65345 Invalid data type for '%s' 65346 Invalid string constant 65347 Cannot insert or delete rows from grid 65348 Item not found ($0%x) 65349 Line too long 65350 List capacity out of bounds (%d) 65351 List count out of bounds (%d) 65352 List index out of bounds (%d) 65353 Invalid input value 65354 Invalid input value. Use escape key to abandon changes 65355 Out of memory while expanding memory stream 65356 %s has not been registered as a COM class 65357 Printer is not currently printing 65358 Number expected 65359 %s on line %d 65360 Identifier expected 65361 Grid index out of range 65362 Unable to write to %s 65363 Invalid action creation 65364 Invalid action enumeration 65365 Invalid action registration 65366 Invalid action unregistration 65367 Invalid binary value 65368 Invalid file name - %s 65369 Invalid stream format 65370 '%s' is an invalid mask at (%d) 65371 ''%s'' is not a valid component name 65372 Invalid property value 65373 Invalid property element: %s 65374 Invalid property path 65375 Invalid property type: %s 65376 Can't write to a read-only resource stream 65377 ''%s'' expected 65378 CheckSynchronize called from thread $%x, which is NOT the main thread 65379 Class %s not found 65380 Delimiter and QuoteChar properties cannot have the same value 65381 A class named %s already exists 65382 List does not allow duplicates ($0%x) 65383 A component named %s already exists 65384 String list does not allow duplicates 65385 Cannot create file %s 65386 Cannot create file "%s". %s 65387 Fixed column count must be less than column count 65388 Fixed row count must be less than row count 65389 Cannot open file %s 65390 Cannot open file "%s". %s 65391 Grid too large for operation 65392 Thu 65393 Fri 65394 Sat 65395 Sunday 65396 Monday 65397 Tuesday 65398 Wednesday 65399 Thursday 65400 Friday 65401 Saturday 65402 Unable to create directory 65403 Codeset conversion failure 65404 Ancestor for '%s' not found 65405 Cannot assign a %s to a %s 65406 Bits index out of range 65407 List is locked during an active ForEach 65408 January 65409 February 65410 March 65411 April 65412 May 65413 June 65414 July 65415 August 65416 September 65417 October 65418 November 65419 December 65420 Sun 65421 Mon 65422 Tue 65423 Wed 65424 A call to an OS function failed 65425 Win32 Error. Code: %d.\n%s 65426 A Win32 API function failed 65427 Application is not licensed to use this feature 65428 Jan 65429 Feb 65430 Mar 65431 Apr 65432 May 65433 Jun 65434 Jul 65435 Aug 65436 Sep 65437 Oct 65438 Nov 65439 Dec 65440 Variant is empty 65441 Cannot convert from the specified type 65442 Cannot convert to the specified type 65443 External exception %x 65444 Assertion failed 65445 Interface not supported 65446 Exception in safecall method 65447 %s (%s, line %d) 65448 Abstract Error 65449 Access violation at address %p in module '%s'. %s of address %p 65450 Cannot access package information for package '%s' 65451 Can't load package %s. \n%s 65452 Invalid package file '%s' 65453 Invalid package handle 65454 Cannot load package '%s.' It contains unit '%s,'which is also contained in package '%s' 65455 System Error. Code: %d. \n%s 65456 Custom variant type ($%.4x) already used by %s 65457 Custom variant type ($%.4x) is not usable 65458 Invalid variant operation ($%.8x) 65459 Could not convert variant of type (%s) into type (%s) 65460 Overflow while converting variant of type (%s) into type (%s) 65461 Variant overflow 65462 Invalid argument 65463 Invalid variant type 65464 Operation not supported 65465 Variant operation ran out memory 65466 Unexpected variant error 65467 Recursion while doing a VarDataClear 65468 Recursion while doing a VarDataCopy 65469 Recursion while doing a VarDataCopyNoInd 65470 Recursion while doing a VarDataInit 65471 Recursion while doing a VarDataCastTo 65472 Variant or safe array index out of bounds 65473 Variant or safe array is locked 65474 Unexpected variant or safe array error: %s%.8x 65475 Invalid variant type conversion 65476 Invalid variant operation 65477 Invalid NULL variant operation 65478 Invalid variant operation (%s%.8x)\n%s 65479 Range check error for variant of type (%s) 65480 Range check error while converting variant of type (%s) into type (%s) 65481 Custom variant type (%s%.4x) is out of range 65482 Custom variant type (%s%.4x) already used by %s 65483 Custom variant type (%s%.4x) is not usable 65484 Too many custom variant types have been registered 65485 Variant is not an array 65486 Unknown custom variant type ($%.4x) 65487 Custom variant type ($%.4x) is out of range 65488 Access violation 65489 Stack overflow 65490 Control-C hit 65491 Quit key hit 65492 Privileged instruction 65493 Operation aborted 65494 Exception %s in module %s at %p. \n%s%s \n 65495 Application Error 65496 Format '%s' invalid or incompatible with argument 65497 No argument for format '%s' 65498 Variant method calls not supported 65499 Read 65500 Write 65501 Format result longer than 4096 characters 65502 Format string too long 65503 Error creating variant or safe array 65504 Invalid filename 65505 Too many open files 65506 File access denied 65507 Read beyond end of file 65508 Disk full 65509 Invalid numeric input 65510 Division by zero 65511 Range check error 65512 Integer overflow 65513 Invalid floating point operation 65514 Floating point division by zero 65515 Floating point overflow 65516 Floating point underflow 65517 Invalid pointer operation 65518 Invalid class typecast 65519 Access violation at address %p. %s of address %p 65520 65521 '%s' is not a valid integer value 65522 '%s' is not a valid floating point value 65523 '%s' is not a valid currency value 65524 '%s' is not a valid date 65525 '%s' is not a valid time 65526 '%s' is not a valid date and time 65527 '%g' is not a valid date and time 65528 '%d.%d' is not a valid timestamp 65529 '%s' is not a valid GUID value 65530 '%s' is not a valid boolean value 65531 Invalid argument to time encode 65532 Invalid argument to date encode 65533 Out of memory 65534 I/O error %d 65535 File not found